NOTE: Thumbnail images are cropped and do not show the full paintings. Please click on any image and scroll through the gallery to see each painting in its entirety.
With this ongoing body of work, I am interested in suggesting open-ended narratives for the viewer to participate in the construction of meaning. I utilize vintage photos and other unusual imagery as source material. These moments from the lives of strangers have always intrigued me. Their silent stories captivate me. By appropriating their images and suggesting possible narratives, new stories can emerge.
I manipulate the scenarios in a various ways: combining images, altering the physical and emotional relationships among the figures, and creating alternative contexts. Color plays a pivotal role in the emotional and visual impact of the work. Several recurring themes appear throughout the series. Sometimes the work is playful or nostalgic or, at times, ambiguous and unsettling. I also find myself drawn to capturing moments of liberation or escape.
If interested in purchasing a work, please contact Jo Carol for pricing and availability.